Gabriel Kney Organ

Gabriel Kney Organ

The organ at Zion is a mechanical action instrument built and installed by Gabriel Kney & Company, Ltd., of London, Ontario. It was dedicated to the glory of God on the First Sunday of Advent in 1978. The casework is constructed of Pennsylvania red oak and houses twenty-four ranks of pipes on eighteen stops, distributed over two manuals and pedal. The suspended key action is mechanical. The stop action, couplers, and combination action are electric.

Hauptwerk (Great)

Brustwerk (Swell)
(under expression)

Prinzipal 8’


Rohrflöte 8’

Salizional 8’

Octav 4’

Gedackt 8’

Blockflöte 2’

Offenflöte 4’

Nazat 2 2/3

Prinzipal 2’

Terz 1 3/5’

Quinte 1 1/3’

IV Mixtur 1 1/3’

Schalmey 8’

Trompete 8’






Subbass 16’

Great - Pedal

Prinzipal 8’ *

Swell - Pedal

Choralbass 4’

Swell - Great

IV Mixtur 2 2/3


Posaune 16’