Gabriel Kney Organ
The organ at Zion is a mechanical action instrument built and installed by Gabriel Kney & Company, Ltd., of London, Ontario. It was dedicated to the glory of God on the First Sunday of Advent in 1978. The casework is constructed of Pennsylvania red oak and houses twenty-four ranks of pipes on eighteen stops, distributed over two manuals and pedal. The suspended key action is mechanical. The stop action, couplers, and combination action are electric.
Hauptwerk (Great) |
Brustwerk (Swell) |
Prinzipal 8’ |
Rohrflöte 8’ |
Salizional 8’ |
Octav 4’ |
Gedackt 8’ |
Blockflöte 2’ |
Offenflöte 4’ |
Nazat 2 2/3 |
Prinzipal 2’ |
Terz 1 3/5’ |
Quinte 1 1/3’ |
IV Mixtur 1 1/3’ |
Schalmey 8’ |
Trompete 8’ |
Tremulant |
Zimbelstern |
Pedal |
Couplers |
Subbass 16’ |
Great - Pedal |
Prinzipal 8’ * |
Swell - Pedal |
Choralbass 4’ |
Swell - Great |
IV Mixtur 2 2/3 |
Posaune 16’ |